Distributed Systems – Network Communication and Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

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June 20, 2022

Distributed Systems  System Design Interview 

The problem of communication

  • A process on Host A wants to talk to the process on Host B
  • A and B must agree on the meaning of the bits being sent and received at many different levels, including:
    • How many volts is a 0 bit, a 1 bit?
    • How does the receiver know which is the last bit?
    • How many bits long is a number?
  • Re-implement every application for every new underlying transmission medium?
  • Change every application on any change to an underlying transmission medium?
  • No! But how does the Internet design avoid this?

Solution: Layering

  • Intermediate layers provide a set of abstractions for applications and media
  • New apps or media need only implement for the intermediate layer’s interface

Layering in the Internet

  • Transport: Provide end-to-end communication between processes on different hosts
  • Network: Deliver packets to destinations on other (heterogeneous) networks
  • Link: Enables end hosts to exchange atomic messages with each other
  • Physical: Moves bits between two hosts connected by a physical link

Logical communication between layers

  • How to forge an agreement on the meaning of bits exchanged b/w two hosts?
  • Protocol: Rules that govern the format, contents, and meaning of messages
  • Each layer on a host interacts with its peer host’s corresponding layer via the protocol interface

Physical communication

  • Communication goes down to the physical network
  • Then from network peer to peer
  • Then up to the relevant application

Communication between peers

  • How do peer protocols coordinate with each other?
  • The layer attaches its own header (H) to communicate with peer
  • Higher layers’ headers, data encapsulated inside the message
  • Lower layers don’t generally inspect higher layers’ headers

Network socket-based communication

  • Socket: The interface the OS provides to the network
    • Provides inter-process explicit message exchange
  • Can build distributed systems atop sockets: send(), recv()
    • e.g.: put(key,value) -> message

Socket programming: still not great

// Create a socket for the client
if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
 perror(”Socket creation");

// Set server address and port
memset(&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr));
servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
servaddr.sin_port = htons(SERV_PORT); // to big-endian

// Establish TCP connection
if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) < 0) {
 perror(”Connect to server");

// Transmit the data over the TCP connection
send(sockfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
  • Lots for the programmer to deal with every time
    • How to separate different requests on the same connection?
    • How to write bytes to the network/read bytes from the network?
      • What if Host A’s process is written in Go and Host B’s process is in C++?
    • What to do with those bytes?
  • Still pretty painful… have to worry a lot about the network

Why RPC?

  • The typical programmer is trained to write single-threaded code that runs in one place
  • Goal: Easy-to-program network communication that makes client-server communication seem transparent
    • Retains the “feel” of writing centralized code
    • Programmers needn’t think (much) about the network

Everyone uses RPCs

  • Google gRPC
  • Facebook/Apache Thrift
  • Twitter Finagle

What’s the goal of RPC?

  • Within a single program, running in a single process, recall the well-known notion of a procedure call:
    • Caller pushes arguments onto the stack,
      • jumps to address of callee function
    • Callee reads arguments from the stack,
      • executes, puts return value in a register,
      • returns to the next instruction in the caller

RPC’s Goal: make communication appear like a local procedure call: way less painful than sockets

RPC issues

  1. Heterogeneity
    • The client needs to rendezvous with the server
    • The server must dispatch to the required function
      • What if the server is a different type of machine?
  2. Failure
    • What if messages get dropped?
    • What if the client, server, or network fails?
  3. Performance
    • Procedure call takes ≈ 10 cycles ≈ 3 ns
    • RPC in a data center takes ≈ 10 μs (10^3 slower)
      • In the wide area, typically 10^6 slower

Problem: Differences in data representation

  • Not an issue for local procedure calls
  • For a remote procedure call, a remote machine may:
    • Run process written in a different language
    • Represent data types using different sizes
    • Use a different byte ordering (endianness)
    • Represent floating point numbers differently
    • Have different data alignment requirements
      • e.g., 4-byte type begins only on a 4-byte memory boundary

Solution: Interface Description Language

  • Mechanism to pass procedure parameters and return values in a machine-independent way
  • Programmer may write an interface description in the IDL
    • Defines API for procedure calls: names, parameter/return types
  • Then runs an IDL compiler which generates:
    • Code to marshal (convert) native data types into machine-independent byte streams (and vice-versa, called unmarshaling)
    • Client stub: Forwards local procedure call as a request to server
    • Server stub: Dispatches RPC to its implementation

A day in the life of an RPC

  • Client calls stub function (pushes parameters onto the stack)
  • Stub marshals parameters to a network message
  • OS sends a network message to the server
  • Server OS receives the message, sends it up to stub
  • Server stub unmarshals params, calls server function
  • The server function runs, returns a value
  • Server stub marshals the return value, sends message
  • Server OS sends the reply back across the network
  • Client OS receives the reply and passes it up to stub
  • Client stub unmarshals return value, returns to the client

What could possibly go wrong?

  • All of these may look the same to the client
    • The client may crash and reboot
    • Packets may be dropped
      • Some individual packet loss on the Internet
      • Broken routing results in many lost packets
    • The server may crash and reboot
    • The network or server might just be very slow


  • Layers are our friends!
  • RPCs are everywhere
  • Necessary issues surrounding machine heterogeneity
  • Subtle issues around failures