Quotes from the TED talk “Ipsita Dasgupta – To challenge the status quo, find a co-conspirator”

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April 11, 2022

Quotes from TED Talks 

To achieve great heights or change the world, no matter how smart we are, we all need people.

And for conventional people, the universe seems to conspire to make them successful. For the unconventional, I think we need something that I like to call “co-conspirators.”

Co-conspirators are different not because they’re different themselves, but because of the people who need them. They tend to be people who are willing to bend the rules – actually even break them sometimes – and challenge the status quo to stand beside someone who is going against societal norms.

You had the perfect co-conspirator, someone that we don’t always recognize or value, but was changing the way somebody else could challenge the status quo, by standing beside her and questioning the societal norms and making a difference.

The world needs co-conspirators. As we get into a complex environment where more and more complex problems exist and we need to find more solutions, we need unconventional people in our boardrooms and at the table. For that to happen, we need co-conspirators.

It’s my co-conspirators that have shown me the path forward, and actually, it’s my co-conspirators that keep me seeking out the unconventional paths to go down.

So what I’d like to ask of all of you today is that you look around and find the people that inspire you to co-conspire. I promise you that your empathy and your courage will change someone’s life and may even change the world.