System Design Interview – Message Board Service (Quora / Reddit)

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January 26, 2023

Distributed Systems  System Design Interview 


The goal of this system design interview is to design a message board service similar to Quora or Reddit. This service should allow users to post questions and answers, upvote/downvote posts, and comment on posts.

High-Level System Design

The high-level system design for a message board service should include the following components:

  1. Database: The database should store user information, post information, and comment information. It should also store upvote/downvote information for posts and comments.
  2. Web Server: The web server should handle requests from users and serve the appropriate web pages.
  3. Application Server: The application server should handle business logic and data manipulation.
  4. Caching Layer: The caching layer should store frequently accessed data to improve performance.
  5. Search Engine: The search engine should allow users to search for posts and comments.

Detailed System Design

  1. Database: The database should store user information (username, password, email address, etc.), post information (title, content, author, etc.), and comment information (content, author, etc.). It should also store upvote/downvote information for posts and comments.
  2. Web Server: The web server should handle requests from users and serve the appropriate web pages. It should also handle authentication and authorization.
  3. Application Server: The application server should handle business logic and data manipulation. It should also handle user registration, post creation, comment creation, upvote/downvote logic, and search queries.
  4. Caching Layer: The caching layer should store frequently accessed data to improve performance. This could include user information, post information, comment information, and upvote/downvote information.
  5. Search Engine: The search engine should allow users to search for posts and comments. It should also provide a relevant ranking for search results.

*** Created by ChatGPT on Jan 26, 2023.